FCP was founded in 2017 with a simple mission: to deliver high quality Private Markets co-investment opportunities to its clients on a fiduciary basis.

FCP brings together a group of partners unified by the view that private markets are very opaque, and that the majority of deals unfortunately do not warrant the attention they receive. While promotors, entrepreneurs, agents and brokers ensure that deal flow is plentiful, principal/agent conflicts are rife, and ‘institutional grade’ deals remain extremely hard to come by. Currently only the largest institutional investors - those with literally billions to invest such as pension funds, fund-of-funds and sovereign wealth funds - have access to high quality co-investments. The rest of market participants are left to fend for themselves in a world riddled with adverse selection and moral hazard.  

With decades of cumulative experience across co-investing and direct private equity, FCP's team is committed to creating a leading platform dedicated exclusively to sourcing and delivering ‘institutional grade’ co-investments to its clients on a fiduciary basis. Some have referred to FCP as an ‘outsourced’ or ‘fractional’ co-investment solution, allowing smaller investors to take advantage of a sourcing & execution platform and team that would otherwise be uneconomical for them to support given the size of their direct private markets portfolios.

For the lead investors alongside whom we co-invest, FCP can provide a partial or fully outsourced co-investment solution, in full alignment with the sponsor to achieve the fastest and most seamless execution possible. Co-investing is a relationship and reputation business and we encourage all potential lead sponsors to reference us with the partners alongside whom we have worked in the past.


Guiding principles

We believe in a few principles which shape our approach: 

  • Empathy: We believe empathy is one of the most under-appreciated concepts in business and in investing. We strive to ask ourselves ‘what must the person across from us be feeling and thinking right now’.

  • Collaboration: We firmly believe that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts and regularly work closely with external partners, advisors and co-sponsors in order to source otherwise inaccessible ‘institutional grade’ opportunities.

  • Transparency: We express our views, speak our minds and make our intentions clear. When dealing with us you will be in no doubt as to our position.

  • Integrity: Whether evaluating opportunities or negotiating with our partners, we approach everything with an attitude of fairness, targeting win-win outcomes for all parties.

  • Professionalism: We treat others the way we want to be treated. We are responsive and provide quick feedback. If we choose to pursue an opportunity, we will dedicate significant resources.